Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30am-5:00pm    •    Main Office: (408) 573-3050
The Hub Program Office - open during program hours: (408) 573-3060

Walden West Outdoor School is operated by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. We provide environmental science education for 5th and 6th graders in a residential camp setting. Visiting students will explore an outdoor classroom with experienced naturalists and stay in cabins overnight. We teach Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools (CA NGSS) through hands-on learning while exposing students to new social settings, exploring different environments, and enrichment experiences. Students leave the program with a new sense of personal responsibility, independence and understanding of the natural world around them.

Walden West Outdoor School collaborates with the Walden West Foundation to ensure this essential program is accessible to all students across the county.

Basic Program Information

Pricing for 2024-2025:

Schools will contact families about payments.

Visit Health Resources for medication, dietary, and health concerns.