Counselors in Training
For youth entering 9th grade
Registration Opens February 5, 2025 at 8:00am
Counselors in Training (CITs) is an immersive and engaging experience for incoming 9th graders that prepares them for leadership roles as camp counselors.
CITs learn how to administer games and activities, and ensure the well being and safety of all participants through focused play, discussion, and reflection.
As they play, CITs practice applying the skills each game teaches to positive interactions with Walden West campers and each other.
Since CITs participate and interact with the Summer Day Camp, they are invited to the Thursday night BBQ and campfire. CITs may also opt to stay for the night hike and spend the night under the stars. The CITs Thursday BBQ dinner and Friday breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.
A payment plan will be offered in registration. You will pay 50% at checkout, and the remaining balance will need to be paid no later than 2 weeks prior to the session(s).
Here is a video showing an example of what it may look like.
Summer 2025 Weeks of Counselors in Training
Frequently Asked Questions (updated 2/3/25)
Walden West Summer 2025 - Updated FAQs
Do I need to make a new account if my kids attended last summer?
Nope! Your account should still be active.
I am a new user to Ultra Camp. How do I create an account and profile for my child?
Parents/guardians will be setting up the account, and should Watch this video
Link to Ultra Camp
Click on “New User” and then follow the prompts to create an account.
On the My Account page, click on “Add Person” to make a profile for your child. Follow the prompts. Our programs are based on grade level, so be sure you have “Child” selected, and you have them in the grade they are going into. Repeat this step for all children attending including teenage children who will be HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS.
How do I register my child for a session? (after creating an account and your child's profile)
Login in to Ultra Camp.
Along the top menu bar, click on “Reservations”
Click on the "EXPLORE SESSIONS” button
Select your desired session and follow the instructions to fill out the online registration
What if I forgot my username and password?
Click on the “Forgot your login information?” link and enter your email address. Your login information will be sent to you. If that still does not work, please email us at and we will send you the information you need.
What paperwork do I need to complete?
You can complete the online paperwork before you register or during registration. If you complete the forms before, you’ll just be asked to sign to confirm them during the registration process.
Login in to Ultra Camp.
From the side menu , select “Document Center”.
Complete the following forms for each participant:
Health Form (all programs)
Participant Waiver (all programs)
SUMMER Rules for Safety & Behavior
SUMMER Programs Additional Information
Transportation Authorization (day programs)
SCCOE demographic information
What happens when it says the person is too old for the session?
Check to make sure you’re making a reservation for your child and not the parent/guardian or high school volunteer.
If the child’s profile was set to an adult, you’ll have to edit this to “Child” and then make sure to have the correct grade level you’re being asked for.
Why can’t I see the right session to Register for?
Sometimes when registering an individual for a specific session, you may not see that session in the eligible sessions list. Because UltraCamp filters out ineligible sessions, there are a number of reasons why this particular session may not show.
Why is a session ineligible?
Registration for this session is closed/over.
The individual is too old/young for this session.
The session is full.
The person you are trying to register for is not the correct role (they’re selected as a parent/guardian instead of a child; you need to edit their Bio Information).
Why is the reason for being ineligible not displaying?
Occasionally, UltraCamp will not display a reason why a session is ineligible. The most common causes for this are:
A preexisting, concurrent reservation.
Check their list of existing reservations to make sure they don't already have a session that conflicts with the desired one.
Session is actually in the shopping cart.
If you can see the session in the list but your client is not seeing it, have them look for a shopping cart icon and review the items in their cart to verify that it isn't already there.
Is there a deposit or payment plan?
There is a payment plan option at checkout. You will be charged 50% at checkout, and the rest is due 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the session(s). You can also still pay all at once at checkout. Here is a video to show you how it will look.
What if I didn’t receive my confirmation email after check-out?
The confirmation email will go to the email associated with the Primary Contact person on Ultra Camp. If you have not received it after your completed registration and payment, and it is not in your “spam” or “junk” inboxes, then please email
Is there a cancellation policy?
Cancellations can be made through Ultra Camp up until 11:59pm on the Wednesday before your session. After that time, any cancellation requests can be sent to for the $150 cancellation fee or $75 to switch to available weeks.(see information packet, page 10)
Are there scholarships available?
At this time, there are no scholarships available for our summer programs.
Can I register my child for more than one week?
Yes, but only for children eligible for Wild Things and Summer Day Camp. Trail Blazers Nature Camp, Leaders in Training (LITs), and Counselors in Training (CITs) should be limited to one session per child per summer as the curriculum is going to be the same each session.
Who needs to be vaccinated for COVID-19 at Walden West?
All Walden West employees and volunteers are REQUIRED to be fully vaccinated (and boosted if eligible) for COVID-19. Participants are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated.
Is there a face mask policy?
Face masks are optional at Walden West, both indoors and outdoors.
Is there anything for teenagers?
We have the Leaders in Training for incoming 8th graders and the Counselors in Training for incoming 9th graders. Please see their respective information packets for the details.
For incoming sophomores and older, we have our volunteer counselors. Please visit our summer volunteer website.
Is there anything for families?
Not this year.
What if my DAY CAMPER forgets their item for tie dye?
Life moves pretty fast and we understand that these items could get left at home. Here are some options you have:
Call the Hub (408) 573-3060 as soon as you can. Let us know if you’d like to purchase a white Walden West shirt for your child. We will charge $25 to the credit card linked to your Ultra Camp account.
Call the Hub (408) 573-3060 as soon as you can. Let us know if you’d like us to try and find something in our lost and found or “loaner” items that would fit your child. They can have that item for free!
Send the item with your camper on the next day and our staff will help them out!
Will my kids be in the same group with their friends?
DAY CAMP - Yes. We will be dividing up the campers by grade level on the first day, so similar grade levels will be together and we’ll ask friends to stay together when we make the groups.
WILD THINGS - Yes, whatever makes them happy!
TRAIL BLAZERS NATURE CAMP - Yes, but only if they really want to be :)
LEADERS IN TRAINING & COUNSELORS IN TRAINING - Yes, but not all the time. We will encourage the teenagers to expand their comfort zones, and they will have the opportunities to make new friends through their leadership activities. There will be times throughout their week where they have opportunities to be with their current friends though.
How do you divide the DAY CAMP kids into groups?
By grade level, we'll have up to 8 groups.
Example: group 1 will have mostly 2nd graders, group 8 will have mostly 7th graders.
Can both of my kids be in the same day camp group even though they are in different grade levels?
Yes. The older sibling will need to go down to the younger sibling’s group level.
Who uses the ropes course and climbing wall?
Summer Day Camp groups 1-4 (entering grades 2 thru 4)
participate on the low ropes course and climbing wall
Summer Day Camp groups 4-8 (entering grades 5 thru 7)
participate in the low ropes course, climbing wall, and high ropes course
Leaders in Training
learn belay skills and climb on our high ropes course
Counselors in Training
participate in their assigned group’s activities and the high ropes course
Is there a bus?
Yes. Please see the bus information on page 14 and map on page 26 of the information packet.
How early can I drop my kid off at Walden West, and how late can I pick them up?
If your child is not taking the bus, you can drop off your child at Walden West starting at 8:00am. Pick up at Walden West is anytime before 4:30pm. Anyone not picked up by 4:30pm will be charged a $100 late fee. For children taking the bus, pick up at West Valley College is between 4:30-5:00pm; campers not picked up by 5:00pm will be shuttled back to Walden West for pick up and a $100 late fee will be charged.
I have kids in multiple programs during one week. How does that work with Thursday overnight?
We're glad you asked! Here are some examples of what can happen on those weeks where you have kids in more than one program:
Day Camper/LIT/CIT/Trail Blazers: all are scheduled for the Thursday evening dinner, campfire, and overnight. If either does not wish to participate, you will have to pick them up at Walden West before 8:00pm on Thursday, and return them to Walden West Friday morning by 9:00am.
Wild Things: There will be a bus for Wild Things on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Only Wild Thing siblings are allowed to stay Thursday afternoon until sign-outs begin at 6:00pm. All Wild Things siblings must be signed out at 6:00pm. Wild Things do not stay overnight and get to go home after the campfire.
Where do I pick up the pre-ordered dinner tickets on Thursday?
Anyone who ordered their dinner tickets online prior to Thursday can get their tickets at the Dining Hall entrance starting at 6:00pm, and AFTER they have signed out their camper from the front lawn. See page 18 of the information packet for Thursday details and pricing.
Per the Santa Clara County Office of Education and the California Department of Public Health, all participants of Walden West Outdoor School and Summer Programs are recommended to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
Here are the updated recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
All participants, regardless of vaccination history, are strongly encouraged to get the appropriate updated vaccination based on their age.
All volunteers and staff for the Santa Clara County Office of Education, including Walden West, are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19. This includes the original series OR the most recent vaccination dose(s).